Fast Takes
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Changes to RSS to make mapping easier
As part of my mapping experiment I had to parse through HTML and determine by heuristics which link was the RSS feed for the particular URL etc. There were two problems with this:
- Determining if the link was a RSS file: naming conventions vary widely, any chance we could all agree to use .rss as the extension?
- Extend the RSS schema to include referrals as part the schema. This would allow very fast mapping of blog relationships.
Mapping my Neighborhood
For a while I have been interested in different ways to look at information and how people interact to create new ideas. After talking about it for a while I decided it was time to actually do something about it. So over the holidays I hacked together some code to map the surrounding blog space from a starting URL. It is still a little buggy i.e. I get unexpected results sometime. The code parses a starting URL builds a map matching links to URL feeds using several heuristics. The rational is that if you have an RSS feed you are likely a blogger therefore you are included in the map. This does exclude some notable sites and may include some non-bloggers but it gives a pretty good initial picture.